Friday, April 17, 2020

De Lux

As I close in on the 250 transactions completed milestone on the TCDB website, I still lament about not getting started sooner.  No worries though, as I seem to be making up for lost time quickly.  The latest trade that I'm highlighting tonight is from another repeat trade partner, Brandon (TCDB ID: stoob).  Knocked off 11 cards from various want lists on this deal, starting with a few from the monster that is 2007 Upper Deck.

Roughly a month ago I decided to add a boat load of base cards and minor parallels to my Ichiro want list, and boy have people come knocking with them!  This trade made my Ichiro collection grow past the 250 card mark with the two above, and the '09 Upper Deck Icons below...

I don't know what it is about the '07 UD card that features him in his All Star jersey, but I really like the card and it has become a instant favorite in my Ichiro collection.  The Thome collection is slowly closing in on the 600 card mark, making me start to wonder if a 2nd binder is in the works.

I'm now just about ready for Series 2 to come out as these 6 cards knock me down to just one left on the Series 1 want list.  I found out that it helps to get a want list up for a current product quickly, as there's a lot of collectors out there looking to move doubles as fast as they can.

The only card I need to finish Series 1?  Number 292.   Gavin Lux.

Thank you for the trade Brandon, the cards are appreciated!

Enjoy the hobby and stay safe!!



  1. I have an extra Lux around somewhere. I should be able to PWE that out next week.

  2. I'm trying to get my stuff up on TCDB, but it's a slog! No trades yet because I have no real want list yet.

  3. Congratulations on 250 trades. That's really impressive. I spent two or three years trading on Sports Card Forum and I think I barely passed the 200 mark.
