Monday, December 19, 2016

Torn, pt. 2 the video

OK, I may lose a lot of followers after this one, but I finally decided, after many months of wanting to do so, to make a video of myself for a blog post.

I decided to tear the Rip card open that I posted yesterday, and I had a little fun making the video.


Hopefully nobody was scared off, because I plan to do some more of these in the future.

Thanks for reading/watching, Robert


  1. I'm really enjoying seeing people rip those cards (and hope I get one!). I definitely think you made the right call ripping, though!

  2. That's a neat little surprise in there. Not to mention a decent way of getting rid of some junk cards.. Like the almost 5000 1991 Score I have (which still didn't complete the set! ARGH!)

  3. It's nice to finally see one in action!

  4. Fantastic! Gavin is a creative guy for sure.

  5. It's always cool when readers get to put a face to a post. Congratulations on pulling that sweet Joe Carter magnet. Gavin is truly one of the most creative and generous bloggers out there.

    1. Thanks Fuji, sorry about the face though...LOL

  6. I don't know if I could ever do one or not, but bloggers making videos like this, is a trend I wouldn't mind seeing catch on.
