Saturday, March 23, 2019

Serial Saturday #21: Josh Donaldson

Anyone who has followed this blog over the years knows my love of serial numbered cards.   If I had to guess, I probably own over 3000 of them in varying levels of "scarcity".  My latest bit of insanity is finding cards serial #'d to 99 on the cheap.

Well, I remembered buying this card at the monthly card show a while back, and decided to add it to the newest collection.

I remember paying just a couple of bucks for it, and I kind of enjoyed the bizarre looking design of the Spectra Neon Blue parallel.  So I bought it and the pink as well.

An unfortunate placement for the serial numbering if you ask me
My latest order from COMC which is due to arrive early in the week will feature several more cards that bought on the cheap (a lot of them less than $1) and serial #'d to 99. 

I honestly thought that it might be difficult finding a lot of cards that fit the bill.   I think I bought eight of them on this order, and didn't spend $10 total.  One of the names that I picked up really surprised me, and will be the subject of next Saturday's post.

I guess the scarcity theory that I was taught in high school economics wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Cards that are numbered to 99 might as well be to 10,000 these days. From what I've seen online, and at shows, most collectors don't care about cards that are numbered that high anymore... works out well for those who do though :)

  2. All of those blue bubbles almost drew my attention off of the lack of logos. Almost. Still it's a nice looking card.
