Sunday, February 19, 2023

Dollar box diving Part 2

Not all, but most of these cards that I'll show today are part of sets that I'd like to put together someday.  But there are those that just came to the house because, well, they were football cards, and the players on them just looked like football players, or they had names that were unique.

Take this pair for example:

On the left.  1962 Topps Art Hunter.  He just LOOKS like a football player.  

On the right.  1972 Topps Rockne Freitas.  Another fellow that belongs on a football players catalog.  

In the middle.   Billy Martin.  Looks like a football player.  Name sounds like a baseball player/manager.

On the left.  This one has me very curious.   A.D. Whitfield.   Have no idea what the initials A.D. stand for.  His player page on Football Reference shows him as A.D.

On the right.  Bobby Joe Conrad.  Yep, he looks like a football player.

Single cards from the '75 set (Myers) and the '70 set (Nelsen).  I Love both of these sets, especially the '70 Topps set which has the orange backs.  Something odd about my love for this and the '64 Topps baseball set which has orange backs as well.  

1971 Topps football is another great set.  Even better is that I recognize a couple of the names here, especially Willie Lanier who was an 8-time pro-bowler and a 4-time all pro, along with winning a Super Bowl in 1970.

With each card that comes in for the 1969 Topps set, the more I love it.  It's down the road on the want to finish list, but when I get around to concentrating on it, I'll find more to enjoy and write about as I go.  It's a small set, just 263 cards (these 4 bring me to 10); I'm very curious to see if there's a pattern to the background color on the cards.  

I've saved the baseball for last, a few 71's and 72's to show.  At a buck apiece, I wasn't complaining about these cards coming home for sure.



  1. A.D. Whitfield sounds like a store from the early 20th century.

    Anyone named Rockne was born to play football, lol.

  2. I like those little football players on the 71 set

  3. I'm just 10 cards away from completing the 1969 football set. As far as I can tell, there's no pattern/sequence/rhyme/reason to the background color. I love the old-fashioned team logos on those cards.

  4. Nice cards and Haven Moses is my favorite.
