Sunday, April 23, 2023

righting a wrong, and nearly finished righting a wrong

Yep, almost two months again between posts.  Been a lot happening, including a two-week illness, and the stress of wondering if I'm going to have a job next week after more than two decades with the same company.  

So a lot of time has been spent away from the hobby again.  Who knows?  Maybe in a few days I'll have more time to spend on cards, but we'll see.

While thumbing my way through twitter earlier this morning, I found a tweet from the Night Owl giving us a quick glance at the nice haul of cards he picked up at the card show recently.  It was a great group of cards, and I made a quick comment/question about the '79 Football binder he displayed.

It reminded me of the fact that it's been a while since I posted, so I needed to sit at the computer and start writing a little.  I recently received a box shipment from Sportlots, and there were 4 cards in there that were from a set that I had put together, sold many years ago, and now I'm working on putting it together again.

4 more cards off the 84-85 OPC want list, bringing the want list down to 20.  If you're curious about the want list, here it is:

5, 17, 18, 67, 121, 208, 213, 239, 241, 243, 249, 254, 255, 327, 339, 357, 373, 380, 383, 385

Not much, except a few Gretzky cards and Rookie cards of the big names in the set.  One day I'll have this set put together, again, and I'll have righted a wrong that happened a long time ago.




  1. Sorry about the sickness and stress. That is definitely not good for blogging. Hope you're back to card happiness soon.

  2. I hope things are turning around for you now.

    The '84-85 OPC set is probably my favorite hockey set ever, definitely top three. I built a near-set myself, but sold it during the pandemic.

    Good luck with everything.

  3. Here's hoping that your job isn't going anywhere.

  4. Very sorry to hear about being stressed out. Hope everything works out with your job situation.
